How to take progress photos

I understand it can sometimes be daunting to take your progress shots and send them to me, so I have created a guide to help you out! 

Please understand all images you send to me are 100% confidential and only used for tracking progress and keeping you accountable. 

Through my experience clients who do not share their body progress shots with me are less likely to see the maximum results achievable with my programs. Reason being I am unable to adjust their program direction without seeing physical evidence of how their body is responding to my plan. 

STEP ONE: Throw on your favourite sports bra and underwear/shorts, then grab your camera or phone. (if you want me to share your progress shots be sure to wear something you're comfortable to have posted on the internet)

STEP TWO: Get a friend/family member to take some photos of you. If you do have anyone available to help you, you can put your phone on self timer and prop it up on some furniture. Please do not take any mirror selfies! 

STEP THREE: Take a front on shot, side on shot and back shot of your entire body (please include from top of the neck to your shins if possible)
Please sure ensure you have sufficient lighting and aim to submit high quality images.

STEP FOUR: Upload your progress shots to your customer account on my website or via google forms sent to your email.